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Here, find the resources you need to prepare for your next step

Each year, between 20 to 25 percent of 十大赌博网站学院 graduates go directly to graduate school. 职业探索中心 supports Scotties who are pursuing graduate and professional schools with resources that include:

  • Affordable GRE考试 prep class taught in the fall and spring
  • Affordable 考试 prep launched in fall 2020 
  • Workshops on post-college success
  • Collaboration with major advisers to support personal statements


An advanced degree in a specific area of study. 一些例子包括:

  • 文学硕士(M.A.)
  • 理学硕士(M.S.)
  • 教育学硕士.Ed.)
  • Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
  • 美术硕士(M.F.A.)

超过硕士水平的学习. 例如:

  • 教育专家(编.S.)

A degree that prepares individuals to enter specific professions. 一些例子包括:

  • 法学博士.D.)
  • 医学博士(M.D.)
  • 兽医博士(D ..V.M.)
  • 牙科医生(D ..D.S)

A post-doctorate includes advanced study, research or training in a specific area. Many are completed at the end of a Ph.D.

Some schools also offer joint degree 项目, such as the J.D./M.B.A. 和M.D./Ph.D. 项目. Many 项目 have an accelerated structure that allows students to finish two degrees more quickly as a joint degree than they could separately.

Selecting a 研究生 School Program

Selecting a graduate program can be overwhelming. Start the process early to give yourself time to make good selections.

  • 和你的指导老师谈谈.
  • Ask us to connect you to alumnae who have pursued graduate degrees in this career field.
  • 访问在线资源. Access our 麦凯恩图书馆 LibGuide for recommended websites Explore Grad School Programs and the list of schools where students have successfully applied and attended in the past.
  • 访问 program websites and review online materials including deadlines.
  • Use the advanced search function on LinkedIn to identify and reach out to alumnae who have attended the program.
  • Contact the program to see if they are hosting information sessions or attending graduate school fairs in the Atlanta area.


  • Are you a competitive applicant for the program?
  • What experiences will make your application more competitive?
  • Is there a strong focus on GPA or standardized test scores?
  • What is the culture of the program?
  • What is the quality of the program?
  • What are the research interests of the faculty associated with the program?
  • What kind of placement assistance does the program or department offer? Where are recent graduates employed?
  • What is the total cost of the program including the cost of living in the location? What forms of financial assistance are available? Is there affordable health insurance?
  • What additional features of the program fit with your goals?
  • What is the length of time and pace of the program?
  • What field experiences and internships exist?
  • 有哪些考试要求??
  • Does the program require a dissertation or thesis?


Unlike undergraduate applications, graduate and professional school applications strongly emphasize recommendations and the applicant’s statement of purpose. Most schools want to see demonstrated evidence that a candidate has a passion for the material and the determined work ethic to thrive and succeed in their program.

Ninety days before application deadlines:

  • Identify areas of potential study (access McCain Lib Guide: Exploring 研究生 Schools).
  • Finalize CV/resume with the Center for Writing and Speaking (CWS) and a career coach.
  • Attend graduate school fairs/info sessions.
  • Conduct info interviews with alumnae who attended 项目 of interest.
  • Take prep courses or use online prep resources for required tests such as GRE考试/考试.

Sixty to ninety days before application deadlines:

  • Meet with a CWS tutor to outline and begin a draft of the personal statement (most take several editing cycles).
  • Identify potential faculty references (ask for their help/requirements), and review the list of 项目 with advisers.
  • Write your first draft of a personal statement.
  • Use COMPASS to schedule time with a career coach to review a draft of your personal statement.

Forty-five days before application deadlines:

  • 完成你的个人陈述.
  • Provide proofed/final materials to faculty recommenders.
  • 最后确定申请材料.

Questions Students Should Ask Before 应用ing to 研究生 School

  • 你应该读研吗? 
  • What factors should I consider when applying to grad 项目?
  • 我什么时候需要申请?
  • How many schools should I apply to?
  • Who do you ask for Letters of Recommendation (LORs)?
  • 需要什么先决条件??
  • Should I consider school ranking in my decision?
  • What are the school/program acceptance rates?

